Who We Are….

Find your place at Keystone Church!

Here at Keystone, we believe that church is meant to be more than a spectator sport. It’s not about showing up on Sunday morning, enduring the service, tossing a buck in the offering plate and heading out with a sigh of relief that we’ve done our part. It’s about transformation and being part of a family where people are living out authentic relationships with God and each other.

Finding your place in a congregation can seem a little daunting. We’re here to help you find your way—not just to the restroom or a seat in the sanctuary, but also to your place in our church family. Keystone is here to help you Connect, Grow, & Serve.


Connecting is all about relationships… with God and one another. As you begin your journey at Keystone Church, we encourage you to make that first “connecting” step by attending Sunday worship services to see if our church is a good fit for you. Keystone offers Sunday morning services as well as Wednesday evening adult and teen bible study. It is our prayer that God will continue to use these services to draw people to Himself.


Once you find that Keystone is a good fit, it’s our prayer that God will move you to go deeper. We believe that spiritual growth happens best in connection with others. That’s where our age appropriate Sunday School classes comes in. We also have men and women groups and dynamic ministries for youth and children.


Journeying with Christ is more than connecting and growing. We believe we’re called to reach our church, our community, and our city with the love of Christ. These tangible expressions of God’s love are seen in those who roll up their sleeves and serve. We are always in need of more volunteers and there are plenty of various ministries available at Keystone to utilize your gifts. The opportunities to serve are limited only by the imagination.



Keystone Church is a part of the Congregational Methodist denomination.

Congregational Methodists are conservative, evangelical Christians in the Wesleyan Arminian tradition. Our faith is grounded in the infallible, inerrant, inspired Word of God. We believe that the scriptures are God’s revelation of Himself to us, as well as the rule of faith, containing all the truth necessary for faith and Christian living.

We believe that God has revealed Himself in three distinct persons… the Father, the source of all life; the Son, the mediator of God’s life; and the Spirit, the extension of God’s life to us. This 3-in-1 God has made us for fellowship with Himself.

We believe that Christians are meant to be an active part of the body of Christ. The Church is where encouragement, spiritual growth, and the development of spiritual gifts occur. The Church purpose is also for equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry. Our community, our nation, even our world, is our responsibility. As John Wesley stated, “I consider all the world as my parish.” The Church, therefore, is to be the physical manifestation of Jesus to its community and world. This is accomplished by the indwelling Spirit empowering the saints to continue the ministry and publish the message of Jesus.